Technical Consulting Services

OMS has a strong track record of techno-economic analysis, combining market intelligence with refining technical and commercial expertise.

OMS due diligence services provide a clear technical and mechanical understanding of the assets to be acquired or divested, giving our clients a clear view of asset valuation, areas of concern and possible risk mitigation strategies, and a realistic view of investment requirements, as well as potential business opportunities to grow asset value.

Our due diligence services typically include the evaluation of a wide range of critical issues including:

  • Business Economics including capital cost analysis, base operating cost estimate, economic evaluation model, fuel and operating cost impact analysis for various operating scenarios, benchmarking to other projects, and other similar analyses.
  • General Management including staffing levels and organization, management practices and systems, and maintenance management practices and systems.
  • Contracts including the review and/or re-negotiation of power sales agreements, fuel supply agreements, steam sales agreements, and operations and maintenance agreements.
  • Project Technical Issues including general project condition, specific areas of potential or current equipment problems, operating regime, fuel selection and emissions, equipment or spares redundancy or needs, and environmental issues.


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